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Bring balance and wholeness of the body, mind and spirit to your life.
Committed to helping Women of Faith face real-life challenges, by providing real-life solutions for living healthy and balanced lives through transformational relationships.”
The Kairos Life Plan is dedicated to the healing and transformative power of the Word of God. It provides a collaborative and strategic process to guide you toward personal healing, restoration and spiritual transformation assisting you in living a more harmonious life.
It allows you to reflect on God’s decisive moment in human history and what He has done in Christ, His birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, the Kairos of Christ. This moment in history will assist you in having to have a personal encounter with your Kairos moment of your life.
It will assist you in identifying the Kairos Moments of your life. A God-ordained defining moment where God speaks and intersects your life, and you respond to Him. This is a Kairos moment. Responding to God will help you NEVER TO MISS GOD’S BEST FOR YOU. It provides an opportunity to have an encounter with the Kairos of your life. a moment of grace to live kairotically, allowing your life to be shaped by the presence, and power of God’s living Word.
Heart Expressions Ministries International is a faith-based ministry devoted to reaching the heart of women one beat at a time to live lives expressing the heartbeat of God.
The ministry is a forum for women, presenting real-life solutions in the face of real-life challenges, providing an opportunity to live holistic and balanced lives through transformational relationships by having an encounter with the heartbeat of God.
We are impassioned to be a trusted and authentic support in the journey of life with courageous hearts to impact the lives of women for the glory of God.
We are committed to create an atmosphere to empower women to share, grow and mature in all areas of their lives physically, emotionally, socially, financially, and spiritually: to Pursue God Intimately, Serve HIM Authentically and Share HIM Confidently.
The Mentoring Forum is a component of the Heart Expressions Ministries International consisting of mature women who are committed to reaching victims within our community who have survived exploitation, through mentoring, coaching, teaching, and sharing.
Our goal is to empower women to reach their full potential by providing objective support for their personal reflection, self-examination, and learning as they experience hope, growth, and healing.
The ministry is committed to sharing wisdom tools while modeling a healthy relationship, allowing the mente to identify a healthy pattern for future interactions with family, friends, significant others, and other personal relationships.
We are committed to creating an atmosphere of empowerment whereby the women will share, grow, and mature in all areas of their lives: physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially, and to pursue God intimately.
Transitional Housing Program
The Sunrise Home is a Transitional Housing Program is an arm of the Heart Expression Ministries International. The Home is specifically for those who are survivors of Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking. The Sunrise Home is one of 13 Housing Programs governed by Wayne County Neighborhood Legal Services.
Occupants of the Sunrise Home are eligible to stay in the program for 18 months. Occupants can stay in the program for an additional six months if it is determined they are in need of further supportive services.
The Sunrise Home headed by Director Gena Harris Lewis offers occupants supportive services through stability, support groups, educational enhancement opportunities, employability skill building, financial empowerment, health and wellbeing through intensive case management and personal life coaching.
Bring balance and wholeness of the body, mind and spirit to your life.