
award-winning author

A Certified Holistic Life Coach, Registered Nurse, and Transformational Speaker, Barbra Gentry-Pugh will create an Atmosphere to Motivate, Change, and Transform Your Life!
I am a Spiritual Midwife who labors with women to persevere in their ordained purpose  and walk in FREEDOM to experience the full life God has designed for them?
As a Award Winning Author, Certified Biblical Counselor, and Certified Holistic Coach Registered Nurse, my heart’s desire is to be an instrument used by God to assist women in their walk to total Freedom and to stir that same desire  in Women of Faith to experience the life God has for them.
The Heartbeat of God is that He desires His children to walk in biblical freedom.  He purchased this freedom for them through the death of His Son Jesus Christ at Calvary.  Christ has set you free to live a  holy life. He wants you to take your stand on His Word and never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you. So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law. Galatians 5:1 (NLT)

Download 7 Strategies to Walk in Freedom

Meet Barbra Gentry Pugh, International Certified Holistic Life Coach, Certified Biblical Counselor, Transformational, Speaker, International Award-Winning Author, Spiritual Midwife & Seasoned Medical Professional

CEO and Founder of Kairos-B-Enterprises and Group Leader of Kairos Moments for Women of Faith.  Kairos-B-Enterprises provides an operative process that assists in unveiling a compass and resources for real-life solutions in the face of real-life challenges. This is done through transformational relationships by having an encounter with the heartbeat of God. My divine  assignment is to support and  partner with Women of Faith who desire to be free to walk, on purpose, in the fullness of what God has planned for their lives.

Women of Faith, I Am Here For You!

Experience Your Kairos Moment.

I am committed to providing a collaborative and strategic process for an exploratory pathway that moves people towards personal healing and restoration from the wounds of life to live holistic, balanced, and impactful lives. My experience in the areas of medicine and counseling have set the stage for a greater understanding of human behavior and the interrelatedness of mind, body, and spirit.  My life’s work has allowed me to develop the Kairos Life Plan, an Evidence-Based Biblical Plan designed for healing of the physical, emotional, and spiritual impediments that hinder the metamorphic processes of life. You will be equipped to walk in freedom and live a kairotic Life.
God’s Word confirms that for this very Freedom every person has been given the responsibility to make the right choices in life. We must choose truth, reject lies, and forgive those who hurt us, and God has not left us as orphans to fend for ourselves! The Holy Spirit gives us the power to walk in the freedom that is already ours in Christ.

More about Barbra . . .

Barbra graduating

Barbra’s greatest aspiration and fulfillment is sharing the uncompromising truths of Scripture to women, to not only know the Word of God intellectually, but experience it practically by the power of the Holy Spirit. Her passion is to inspire, encourage, and empower women to walk in truth and confidence as they grip the heartbeat of their true identity in Christ.

Barbra’s life verse is Acts 20:24: “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus had given me, the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.”

Barbra has a unique ability to combine her passion for the Word of God with real life and work experiences into a message that infiltrates deeply into the hearts of those that crosses her path. Her passionate and persuasive messages are filled with biblical insights sprinkled with just the right amount of grace needed to relate to the heart of women. Barbra delivers her presentations with grace, inspiration, relevancy and transparency.

Barbra Gentry-Pugh