Every Beat of My Heart Collection

This book will grip your heart as it provides prescriptions for the physical, emotional, and spiritual blockage that hinders the Source of life which flows from the heartbeat of God. Who you are and everything you do flows from the condition of your heart. Consider the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis that can help you to keep your heart flowing freely and functioning as God designed. Barbra believes that only an Infinite God could design such an incredibly unique and effective organ.

God has used the physical heart and its functionalities to teach her transforming lessons about life and the heartbeat of Himself. She is convinced that the Holy Spirit is the only Person more fascinating and more powerful than the human heartbeat. Filled with over 35 years of valuable nursing experiences, research and data, along with Barbra’s own life and ministry experiences, she shares how the heart correlates to deep spiritual truths about life, relationships, and God’s undying love.

Prescriptions for the physical, emotional, and spiritual blockages that hinders the Source of life which flows from the heartbeat of God.

The workbook for “Every Beat of My Heart” provides a format for developing an Evidence-Based Biblical Plan which includes:

✓ Recognizing the need

✓ Recognizing the Symptoms

Evaluating the Symptoms

✓ Test Results and Diagnosis

✓ Treatment Plan for
   Implementing the E.B.B.P.

✓ Dosage

✓ Treatment Plan

✓ Exercise: Meditate and
   apply these Scriptures

✓ Journaling

✓ Results for Pursuing the E. B. B. P.

✓ Preventative Measures for

✓ Maintaining the E. B. B. P.

✓ Standing Orders

✓ It’s Prayer Time

Get Every Beat of My Heart

Barbra Gentry-Pugh

BARBRA GENTRY PUGH is a Bible Teacher, a conference speaker, Founder and CEO of Kairos-B-Enterprises LLC, and Heart Expressions Ministries International LLC. She is President of Royal Ambassadors for Christ. She is a contributing author to eight anthologies and the a workbook to Every Beat of My Heart (Volume 1). She has a BS in Human Services from the University of Detroit and Master of Arts in Christian Education from Michigan Theological Seminary, now (Moody Theological Seminary-Michigan.) Barbra is a Certified Biblical Counselor, Certified Holistic Life Coach, and past host of Heart Expressions with Barbra an online TV show. She is a Registered Nurse with over 35 years of nursing experience. She is the widow of Robert E. Pugh and has two children, Anthony, and Portia.
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Michael E. Gentry

REV. MICHAEL E. GENTRY is an Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is the founder of Theophilus Ministries a radio broadcast for the Greater Indianapolis area for seven years. Active involvement in the field of edifying the body of Christ with Evangelical Training Association (ETA) Certification, Kerygma Discipleship Training for Church Growth and Serendipity Chairman in-home Church for small groups development. Michael is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Crossroads Bible College, Indianapolis, Indiana. Michael is a Licensed Private Pilot and enjoy reading, research of any kind. He is married to Angela and has two children and three grandchildren.
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Strike a Pose shows you, scene by scene, how to immerse yourself in everything you need to glam your brand, personally, and professionally!


Throughout LaTanya’s professional career, she has strategically positioned her clients’ brands to go beyond “just pretty.” In true “Hollywood Fashion, each chapter and, “scene” features the “hottest” strategies to position your brand with style and on purpose.


Lights, camera, action! It’s your time to shine!

A Widow’s Resilience Volume 1, share Wisdom Keys for Moving Forward in Life and Love After Death Do Us Part.” Be inspired through these stories of transformation and triumph!


Learn how to courageously move forward in your faith, life and love after death us do us part.

Personal transformation requires radical change and renewal from a life that no longer conforms to the ways of the world; to a life that glorifies God!”

Gathering The Fragments That Nothing Will Be Lost Anthology is a collection of true stories that will take you on a journey through the lives of women who have gathered the fragments of their lives and emerged stronger and wiser!

My Goal is to share the undying love of Jesus Christ in the midst of life’s challenges of pain and disappointment to be a vessel to help others in their journey to wholeness in Christ.

When you purchase a book, for $20.00, your proceeds help fund the Sunrise Home a Transitional Housing Program specifically for those who are survivors of Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking. The Sunrise Home is one of 13 Housing Programs governed by Wayne County Neighborhood Legal Services.


To purchase, contact Barbra Gentry Pugh.

Thank you for your support.

In His Service Barbra Gentry Pugh