Download 7 Strategies to Walk in Freedom and Purpose
When you are ready for an encounter with the heartbeat of God, and or trying in accordance with Christian Principles, this is called experiencing “Kairos.”
Kairos (καιρός) is an Ancient Greek word meaning the right, critical, proper time, or season. Kairos is timeliness, the circumstances that open moments of opportunity. It is an opportune time, a call for action, conversion, and transformation.
The Greeks have two words for time: Chronos and Kairos. Chronos is quantitative referring to chronological or measured time as in “clock time.” Kairos is qualitative referring to a precise moment or season in time.
A Kairos Moment is a favorable moment within time when God acts, and we respond. It is a precise moment when God creates an opportunity for essential growth and incredible transformation to live Kairotically (a life that is shaped by the Will of God).
Kairos Moments play a crucial role in our lives. They are life-changing and transformative moments that God places in our lives that not only change our perspectives, but also changes the trajectory of our lives. Kairos Moments positions us never to miss God’s best and reaching our destiny!
I Am Here For You . . .
I coach women to face real-life challenges, by providing real-life solutions for living healthy and balanced lives through transformational relationships.
Certified International Life Coach: Holistic Approach: Mind, Body, and Spirit
Certified Professional Coach: Diversity Trainer: Women Issues
Certified Biblical Counselor and Marriage Facilitator
A Holistic Life Coach and Transformational Speaker, Barbra Gentry-Pugh will create an Atmosphere to Motivate, Change, and Transform Your Life!
Are you ready to ‘Walk in Freedom’ and experience the full benefits of your relationship with Christ?
With the right guidance, you can Walk in Freedom and Purpose by growing into the person God has designed you to be through fundamental growth and transformation to live an impactful life?
Are you ready to live more intentionally by recognizing your Kairos Moments and responding to the move of God in your life?
It’s your time to be set free from the obstacles of life and the sin that can so easily entangle you ~ Fear, Shame, Unforgiveness, Discontentment, Anger, Bitterness, Addictions, Worry, Victim Mentality, and others, it’s time to live the life God designed just for you!
With the correct instructions, you will be able to Walk in Freedom and Purpose by discovering and being significantly sensitive to the voice and movement of God in your life, and by pushing past your distractions to live a Kairotic life!
Now is the time for you to discover your Kairos Moments that have the potential to totally change the trajectory of your life and Walk in Freedom!
Give yourself permission to begin your journey to Freedom!
You are invited to walk with me to your path of
Faith, Liberty, Love, and Freedom and Claim Your Blessings.
As an Author, Speaker, Coach, Counselor, and Entrepreneur,
I have firsthand experience in knowing what it takes to be FREE.
Let’s Begin . . .
Your transformation STARTS today!
Meet Barbra Gentry Pugh:
an internationally published, award-winning author
I am committed to providing a collaborative and strategic process for an exploratory pathway that moves people towards personal healing and restoration from the wounds of life to live holistic, balanced, and impactful lives. My experience in the areas of medicine and counseling has set the stage for a greater understanding of human behavior and the interrelatedness of mind, body, and spirit. My life’s work has allowed me to develop the Kairos Life Plan, an Evidence–Based Biblical Plan for healing of the physical, emotional, and spiritual impediments that hinder the metamorphic processes of life. You will be equipped to walk in freedom and live a transformed life.
With the correct instruction, you can Walk in Freedom and Purpose.
It’s time to live the life God designed just for you by discovering and being significantly sensitive to the voice and movement of God in your life. And by pushing past your distractions to live a transformed life!
It’s Time For You To Be Free!
Very few people are Free to Walk in the Fullness of what God has planned for their lives.
It is all about being free to receive the blessings God has already released into your life.
Ladies, please join me as we walk the path of faith, love, and freedom together! Give yourself permission to receive all that you need to begin your journey of transformation.
Many are living with wounds of unresolved hurt and brokenness, which breeds anger, bitterness, resentment, and other unhealthy emotions. This results in inappropriate behaviors, broken relationships, and fractured lives.
Unforgiveness is at the root of many issues of the heart causing toxic conditions disrupting our ability to interact with those around us, causing turmoil and grief.
Unforgiveness also robs us of the full life of freedom God intends for us. It keeps us in bondage and affects us physically, emotionally, socially, and most of all stunts our spiritual growth and inner peace!
You were created with a divine purpose to bring honor to God allowing you to walk in freedom and liberty. So why are you struggling and forfeiting the right to receive your blessings? Let me ask you again, are you ready to experience the blessing of Walking in Freedom?
Begin the Process of Your Transformation TODAY by downloading your FREE gift listed below.

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